13 Tips for Setting up a Home Gym

Jenelle McColm May 7, 2023

These tips will help you set up the ultimate home gym and help you get in shape for summer!

1. Find the right space

Some of the best places in your house or apartment might include:
  • Basement
  • Garage
  • Spare bedroom

2. Get Rubber Flooring

To avoid damage, get rubber flooring for these areas. This will not only protect the ground but will reduce the amount of noise.

3. Invest in Bumper Plates

Bumper plates offer a great alternative to iron plates. They can reduce the noise and are also a bit safer.

4. Install a Mirror

Every gym has mirrors for a reason. For one, it allows you to see your form and improve as you work out. A mirror can also make your home gym feel bigger than it actually is, and it can make the most out of natural light.

5. Use the Wall for Storage

You can use a rack for yoga mats, stability and medicine balls, towels, plates, and so much more equipment without taking up unnecessary room in the gym.

6. Add a TV

A TV in your home gym can be great for when you work out on the treadmill or need guidance for a yoga session.

7. Have a Clock on the Wall

A clock is great for your home gym wall because you can refer to it when you take a rest in between sets or if you do a timed exercise, such as planks.

8. Install Speakers

The great thing about having your own gym is that you can blast whatever kind of music you want. You can either get portable speakers of place them on the wall.

9. Take Advantage of Multipurpose Equipment

Instead of having a bench press and a squat rack, you can use the same rack for both. Some racks even come with a pull-up bar as well.

10. Get Fans

When summertime rolls around, think about adding a fan to your gym. A wall fan is not a bad idea, but you can also just have a temporary one that blows onto you as you break a sweat.

11. Keep it Organized

Make sure you keep your gym organized so that you can easily find the equipment you need. Don't leave weights and plates lying around. Have a place to put those somewhere off the floor.

12. Look for Inspiration

There are so many cool home gyms out there. Research can help you see what kind of equipment others use and where they place it.

13. Find Quality Equipment

When you get equipment for your home, it's important that you invest in high-quality equipment. You want to have that equipment in your home gym last for many many years.

Work with Jenelle

Jenelle has worked in the real estate industry for over 4 years and has amassed a renowned class of clientele and unmatched experience.